Guide To Cold Brew Coffee

In the world of specialty coffee, sometimes you need to slow it down to speed it up. Whether you're carefully measuring your beans, waiting for the water to boil or simply allowing that new bag of coffee to rest before grinding—excellent coffee necessitates patience. And that is especially true of cold brew coffee.

Guide To Cold Brew Coffee

What Is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is coffee that has been brewed for an extended period of time by steeping coffee grounds in cold or room temperature water. As a result, cold coffee differs chemically from hot coffee, and can have a different flavor profile.   In addition, cold brew coffee is less acidic and is gentler on the stomach.  

Benefits of Best New Cold Brew in Oregon

While hot drip coffee is still king in most cases, there are numerous benefits to cold brew coffee, including how it affects your physical and mental health as well as the characteristics of the coffee itself.

  • Cold Brew Stay Fresher Longer

Coffees that are dripped or heated tend to go stale faster. It's no longer fresh once it's cooled, and reheating it only dilutes the flavor. Because of how it's made, cold brew coffee can keep for more than a day, especially if refrigerated.

  • Less Acidity Than Drip Coffee

Because the cold brewing method does not use heat, the coffee has less acidity. As a result, the coffee's flavor is smoother and less bitter. Drinkers will need little to no additives such as milk, creamers, or sugars, which reduces the beverage's calorie count. Cold brewed coffee is ideal for those who enjoy bold flavors as well as those who want to eat and drink healthier.

  • Cold Brew Boost Mental And Physical Health

Aside from encouraging healthier coffee consumption, cold brew coffee contains higher levels of antioxidants, crude saccharides, and chlorogenic acid. These have been shown to improve immunity, digestive health, and mental health.

  • It Has a Smooth Flavor

Because of the acid and other chemical differences, you get less of that sharp, almost vinegar-like taste and more of a creamy, calming flavor.

  • It’s Refreshing Without Being Watery

No more ice cubes for you, beloved coffee unless you like ice!

  • It’s Versatile

It can be used in a variety of recipes, particularly sweet ones.

Other Cold Brew Methods And Tips

If there's one thing that coffee lovers have in common, it's a desire to perfect a process and elevate it to the level of an art form. Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters makes exclusively single origin cold brew in Portland OR.  We should probably mention that there are several approaches to cold brewing.

  • Immersion Method

The immersion method for making cold brew is what we're describing in our recipes. Simply put, coffee is immersed in water for an extended period of time.  With lightly roasted single origin coffee, we create a delicious cold brew coffee.

  • French Press Method

A French press is another legit option. Cold brew coffee French pressed is similar to immersion brewing, except you that you use the press to push the coffee out.  Cold press coffee takes less time (about 12-24 hours), and people prefer a lighter 1:5 or 1:8 ratio.

  • Cold Drip Method

Do you mind doing more work if it means a faster cold brew coffee? Drip vs. immersion is a time vs. attention trade-off. The drip method takes three to five hours to make cold brew, but it requires semi-constant supervision.

So let's all relax—cold coffee can be just as satisfying and delicious as what you'd normally pour into that cup. There is no one way to make cold brew, so have fun with it if you give it a shot. Even your cold, dead heart will begin to beat again for this DIY cold brew coffee.

Explore Cold Brew Coffee With Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters

Making cold brew coffee is simple. If you have a busy morning, steep your coffee overnight so that it is ready when you leave the house. Pre-made cold brew coffees are ideal midday snacks that will provide you with the energy you need to get through the rest of the workday. Contact Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters today if you're looking for a great cold brew or other beverage option that meets your needs and preferences. Contact us on Instagram or email us via 

Misa Kawada